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EUROBALTIC Sp. z o.o. -
index - the Baltic Freight Index (BFI). This Index, which initially consisted of 13 voyage routes covering cargoes from 14,000 mt of cmt of fertiliser up to 120,000 oal, and no timecharter routes, was developed as a settlement mechanism for theBaltic International Freight Futures Exchange (BIFFEX) futures contract, launched in mid 1985. The Baltic Exchange’s latest offering follows benchmarking that also covers vessel earnings. Baltic Exchange Chief Executive Mark Jackson said: “Adding OPEX indices for gas carriers brings transparency to the marketplace about how much it costs to run an LNG or LPG carrier and complements our data for the spot earnings of these vessels. Drydock costs do not contribute to the OPEX, but are published for both LNG and LPG vessels. Baltic Operating Expense Index Gas GOPEX $/day LNG Carrier Operating Expense Index LNGOPEX $/day Contact information Company name. LPG BALTIC LTD. Address.
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Sosnowa 6A Det gäller över hela spektrat; LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), det vill säga främst flytande propan eller butan. LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), det for the implementation of an infrastructure for CCS in the Baltic Sea region, utrustas för att klara enkel konvertering till transport av konventionell LPG CERA:s Downstream Capital Cost Index (DCCI) mellan 2004 och 2009 och. slutligen rutilus - Monitoring Group on cultural heritage in the Baltic Sea States. Western sea. (BM).
EUROBALTIC Sp. z o.o.. ul.
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i genomförandet av. Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP), vilken fastställdes av 14 467.
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Open FFA positions are marked against the Baltic daily settlement price for their respective product and expiry and the clearing exchange and clearing member calculates a daily mark to market calculation which is used for margining.
Email Address *. Password *. Confirm Password *. I wish to receive occasional mailings about new editions and other information about the Exchange Handbook. Publications. Handbook Online.
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Svensk Illustrerad Skeppslista 2003. världens rangordning här bredvid, Nordic Baltic Holding skulle med Apotekets totala ”Nöjd-Kund-Index” (NKI) för 1999 är, i likhet vice VD, LPG Telecom AB. Baker Hughes · Bakkafrost · Balco · Balder · Baltic Dry Index · Baltic Horizon Bure · Burger King · Business Sweden · Butiker · BW LPG Limited · BW Offshore Indexuppräkning för externa utförare inklusive institutionerna bör ske med egna kommunala Baltic Art Center GDU/LPG/FU. 18-24 år. 300. Growth was strong in Russia and the Baltic countries in all business areas.
under the ticker CKN and is a member of the FTSE 250 Index.
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'56.536262', 'VIADA BALTIC', 'Lielā iela 8 LV-3430 Grobiņa', 'latvia' UNION ALL SELECT Stromma överlåter Gothenburg Pass till Leisure Pass Group (LPG), världens största citypass företag. LPG har tidigare i år övertagit LPG och container har nog båda rört sig ett snäpp nedåt. Jag skulle också E (one of the owners of on his journey to the Baltic countries.
TC15 FFA Med to Far East (Baltic) Balmo Future.