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Ägarnas motiv till börsnotering - Stockholm School of Economics
At that level they are trading at 19.56% discount to the analyst consensus target price of 335.65. Analysts covering Electra Private Equity currently have a consensus Earnings Per Share (EPS) forecast of -0.04441 for the next financial year. Electra is a rare private-equity firm to shutter in recent years. Its wind down appears to be not only the result of tough Brexit-related fundraising conditions in the U.K., but also its own Electra Private Equity (ELTA.L) on Thursday appointed activist investor Edward Bramson as interim chief executive and served notice on its investment manager Electra Partners, as part of an Edison Investment Research Limited Electra Private Equity (ELTA): Innovating, restructuring and realising 17-Dec-2020 / 08:50 GMT/BST London, UK, 17 On 15 April, Electra Private Equity (ELTA) announced the disposal of Sentinel – one of the company’s three remaining operating businesses – for £22.2m (58.1p per share), £11.3m higher than the asset’s carrying value on the balance sheet as at 30 September 2021. ELTA has been following a realisation strategy since October 2016, when it had a market cap of c £1.7bn, and has since Electra Private Equity Plc specializes in growth capital, mature, buyouts, turnaround, direct investments, debt, fund investments, recapitalization, control buyouts, PIPEs, and secondary buyouts of portfolios and private equity funds in middle market. Within debt it focuses on secondary stretched, secondary performing, and primary debt.
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Share. Play Later. Today, 109 - 111.5, Shares 1, 5,055,661, Week, 0.0. 52 Week, 63.4 - 133.0, Mkt Cap of share series 2, 563,706,202, Month, -1.76. Year, 103.0 - 133.0, Liquidity Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares. For complete information, please visit the av senaste årens private equity-ledda börsnoteringar återfinns bland de största naturligt att många tappar intresse för Senaste nytt om Paynova aktie. Börsveckan bjuder på två köprekommendationer, Electra och SJR, Private equity-konglomeratet Ratos aktie har de senaste fem åren haft en dålig avkastning.
“In the most challenging circumstances, our management teams and their employees have worked tirelessly to protect their businesses and put them in a strong position for future growth.
Det skriver Affärsvärlden i US29472R1086. 0.02. NYSE. 15:30 bis 22:00.
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The Company is focused on private equity investments. The Company's objective is to achieve a rate of return on equity of 10-15% per year over the long-term by investing in a portfolio of private equity assets. Se hela listan på electraequity.com 2014-09-05 · Electra Private Equity Plc Ord 25P is listed on the London Stock Exchange, trading with ticker code ELTA. It has a market capitalisation of £144m, with approximately 38m shares in issue. Over the 1 dag sedan · Electra Private Equity News Headlines. ELTA Share News. Financial News Articles for Electra Private Equity Plc Ord 25P updated throughout the day.
ELTA has been following a realisation strategy since October 2016, when it had a market cap of c £1.7bn, and has since
Electra Private Equity Plc specializes in growth capital, mature, buyouts, turnaround, direct investments, debt, fund investments, recapitalization, control buyouts, PIPEs, and secondary buyouts of portfolios and private equity funds in middle market. Within debt it focuses on secondary stretched, secondary performing, and primary debt. Ticker
Fundamentalanalyse Electra Private Equity Das Unternehmen Starker Fokus auf Privatunternehmen: Electra Private Equity ist eine britische Investmentgesellschaft, die sich auf Investitionen in private Unternehmen spezialisiert hat (Private Equity). Das bedeutet, dass Electra Private Equity Beteiligungen an kleinen und aussichtsreichen Privatunternehmen kauft und diese dann in der Regel nach
Over 1, 3, 5 and 10 years Electra has produced total returns (share price growth + dividends/buybacks) of +22%, +95%, +153% and +218% respectively, these returns are substantially ahead of its index of listed private equity peers, and ahead of the FTSE All-Share index which has produced total returns of +7%, +35%, +49% and +111% over the same time frame. Electra Private Equity on Thursday appointed activist investor Edward Bramson as interim chief executive and served notice on its investment manager Electra Partners, as part of an ongoing review. Electra Private Equity PLC | 142 followers on LinkedIn.
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Den 31 december 2019 uppgick aktiekapitalet i Electra Gruppen till 13.0 MSEK fördelat på 5 201 120 aktier, vardera med ett kvotvärde på 2,50 SEK. Varje aktie berättigar till en röst på årsstämman och samtliga aktier äger lika rätt andel i bolagets tillgångar och vinst. 2020-12-17 Electra Private Equity is a British-based investment trust specialising in private equity. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange Name: Electra Private Equity PLC: Epic: ELTA: ISIN: GB0003085445: Currency: GBX: Type: CEF: Trading Segment: SSMM: Record Status: Active: Trading Status: Regular ELECTRA PRIVATE EQUITY PLC : Financial news and information Stock ELECTRA PRIVATE EQUITY PLC | London Stock Exchange: ELTA | London Stock Exchange Electra Private Equity PLC specializes in growth capital, buyouts, recapitalization, control buyouts, PIPEs, middle market investments. It invests across all sectors and is not sector specific.
It invests across all sectors and is not sector specific. The fund seeks to invest in companies based in the Continental Europe, United States and principally in Western Europe, with the majority of investments made in the United Kingdom.
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En bortglömd aktie. Trade Venue
Read more about us. About Electra. Since 1 October 2016, ELECTRA PRIVATE EQUITY PLC ELTA Company page - Search stock, chart, recent trades, company information, trading information, company news, Date, Share Price, Change. 15 Apr 2021, 389.00, 21.00. 14 Apr 2021, 368.00, - 9.00.
ELTA Electra Private Equity PLC Aktie - Investing.com
Read more about us. About Electra. Since 1 October 2016, ELECTRA PRIVATE EQUITY PLC ELTA Company page - Search stock, chart, recent trades, company information, trading information, company news, Date, Share Price, Change. 15 Apr 2021, 389.00, 21.00.
För de flesta är private equity synonymt med onoterat, alltså aktieägande bolaget Electra, följt av Altamir Amboise och Pantheon International. Sedan har vi sålt Electra Private Equity", berättar förvaltarteamet. Detta mot bakgrund av att aktien har haft en årsavkastning på över 14 Køb Elekta AB ser. B (EKTA B) aktien.