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2 archaic : to predetermine as an act of fate or by divine decree. 3 archaic : to design or intend. destinare. verb.

Destinare meaning

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From the English word, meaning “fate”, originally from the Latin destinare, meaning “to determine”. Advertisement. des·tine (dĕs′tĭn) tr.v. des·tined, des·tin·ing, des·tines 1. To cause to have a certain outcome; preordain by fate or fortune: a foolish scheme destined to fail; a film destined to become a classic. 2.

[+message, information] recipient. → Ce serveur rappellera le destinataire du message toutes les 15 minutes, avec un maximum de quatre appels. Translation French - English Collins Dictionary.

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‘This perverted abhorrence of women destines religions to collide with modernity everywhere, for to be modern is to set women free.’. ‘You will recall that this is the scheme that destines all … From the English word, meaning "fate", originally from the Latin destinare, meaning "to determine". Facts Destinys Child were an American R&B group known for hits such as "Survivor" in 2001. WordSense Dictionary: covetous - meaning, definition, synonyms, translations, origin.

Destinare meaning

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Destinare meaning

It is also a name particularly popular for African American girls. In 2006, Destiny was among the top 10 names given to African Destiny Name Meaning. What Does Destiny Mean and History?

aux risques et périls du destinataire at the recipient's risk. [+message, information] recipient. → Ce serveur rappellera le destinataire du message toutes les 15 minutes, avec un maximum de quatre appels. Translation French - English Collins Dictionary. From the English word, meaning "fate", originally from the Latin destinare, meaning "to determine". Facts Destinys Child were an American R&B group known for hits such as "Survivor" in 2001. Abby.
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Destinare meaning

Basically  17 Feb 2021 4 (in the passive) destinare, designare: he was meant to be a priest era In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Kody is: Cushion;  7 Dec 2017 What does the word dai mean? Well, it depends who you ask. As part of BBC Culture's Untranslatable Words series, New York-based Italian  Find destinare (Verb) in the Latin Online Dictionary with English meanings, all fabulous forms & inflections and a conjugation table: destino, destinas, destinat,  Destiny is a mainly feminine name meaning "destiny, fate", from the Latin word " destinare," meaning "to determine." It has been a popular name in the United  According to Wikipedia: Destiny is a mainly feminine name meaning "destiny, fate ", from the Latin word "destinare," meaning "to determine." I used up my one free   Find another word for destiny. Means simply "destiny, fate" from the English word, ultimately from Latin destinare "to determine", a derivative of stare "to stand".

The name is from the common English word, which is itself of French and ultimately Latin origin. It is usually chosen to wish the child a bright future. The name was first used by English speakers in the later half of the 20th century.
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Present. English words for destinare include devote, earmark, destine, intend, aim, appoint, fix and mean. Find more Italian words at wordhippo.com! e (decidere) destinare un giorno a qc/a fare qc to set aside a day for sth/to do sth. in data da destinarsi at some future date, at a date to be decided. Translation Italian - English Collins Dictionary.

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Meaning: Destiny, Certain fortune. Destiny is a feminine name meaning "destiny, fate" from the Latin word "destinare," meaning "to determine." It has been a […] Feminine given name meaning "destiny, fate", from the Latin word "destinare," meaning "to determine." Ranked in the top 50 names given to baby girls. transitive verb. Intend or choose (someone or something) for a particular purpose or end.

destinare qc a qn to intend or mean sth for sb. era destinato a morir giovane he was destined or fated to die young. la sorte che gli è stata destinata the fate that Destination can describe where you are going, like a traveler whose destination is Paris, or a place that is known for a particular purpose, such as a hip new music club that's a destination for fans of indie rock. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators The straightforward vocabulary name Destiny, meaning ‘fate or luck’, comes from the Latin word ‘destinare’ meaning ‘to determine’. This is a derivative of ‘stare’, which means ‘to stand’.