Quantitative distribution of aquatic plant and animal



Observationer i Finland. Kartan visar observationer av denna taxonen,  Beskrivning saknas. Detta taxon har ännu inte hunnit få någon beskrivning. Vi har över 60 000 arter i Norden och Baltikum och arbetet pågår fortlöpande med att  Cladophora rupestris. Bergsborsting, grönalg, sitter på blåstången.

Cladophora rupestris

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Cladophora rupestris f. nuda (Harvey) Holmes & Batters ex Batters, 1902 (synonym) Cladophora rupestris f. rigida Suringar, 1857 (synonym) Cladophora rupestris f. submarina Foslie, 1884 (synonym) Cladophora is a genus of reticulated filamentous Ulvophyceae (green algae). The genus Cladophora contains many species that are very hard to tell apart and classify, mainly because of the great variation in their appearances, which is affected by habitat, age and environmental conditions.

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Cladophora rupestris - Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

No drawings available for this family. 3 Sep 2020 Freshwater macroalgae consist of filamentous forms (Cladophora, C. rivularis ( L.) v.d. Hoek, C. rupestris (L.) Kütz., C. sterrocladia Skuja, and  and intertidal areas of Great Britain and Ireland by David Fenwick. BACK.

Cladophora rupestris

Øresunds vegetation Öresunds vegetation

Cladophora rupestris

Trivialnamn: bergborsting Synonymer: Conferva rupestris L. Delvisa synonymer (pro parte) - Felanvändningar (auct.) - Klassificering Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Free and Open Access to Biodiversity Data.

Rupes är latin och betyder klippa/ berg och klados är grekiska och betyder gren.
Laparoskopisk appendektomi komplikationer

Cladophora rupestris

Cladophora rupestris f. submarina Foslie in Wittr. & Nordst. NMNH - Botany Dept, DPLA.

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Rapport 4/2004 - Statsforvalteren

Cladophora rupestris is a densely tufted plant, that grows up to 20 cm in height, with dark green or bluish coloured dull fronds. Typical specimens branch profusely upwards from the base, in an irregular, whorled or opposite pattern. Patches of green filamentous seaweed Cladophora rupestris can be present. The fauna is generally limited to limpets Patella spp., the winkle Littorina saxatilis and the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides, while they usually occur in low abundance.

Cladophora - gikitoday.com

The species grows abundantly in the intertidal, and is easy to identify due to its dark, green colour. Cell walls are relatively thick.

Filamentösa brunalger. 2. Battersia arctica. 4.