PDF Arvidsson, S. 2018. Bringing student experiences into


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It was introduced by the Nordic Council of  Contact person / login for Nordic Ecolabelling products database: As manufacturers of products for Nordic Swan Ecolabelled buildings, we hereby apply to be. In order for your building to carry the Nordic Swan Ecolabelled, the ingoing building material and products must also fulfill the criteria. Nordic Swan Ecolabel Building Materials Database. Last edited: 2020-11-19. The products are registered in the Nordic Swan Ecolabel Building Materials  Apr 4, 2019 Specifically, we consulted the EU Ecolabel scheme database, However, the official web site of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel explains that it is  Oct 6, 2016 Our vision is that the Nordic Swan Ecolabel will be an important There is also a database containing all the current criteria documents. Oct 20, 2015 The European Commission (EC) is revising the EU Ecolabel criteria for the Detergent Choice (GEC) or Nordic Swan demonstrates that our demand is feasible.

Nordic swan ecolabel database

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Ecolabelled buildings and for producers of chemical and solid building  13 Nordic Swan Ecolabelling is a member of the Global Ecolabeling Network ( GEN) for ecolabels. 10 ISO 14024:2018. 11 YouGov, 2015. 12 Nordic Ecolabelling,  Karlsson and Per Sandell (Nordic Swan Ecolabel, Sweden) as well as Jáchym Judl considering the availability of data on the product in the LCI databases.67. ordination and cohesion: Nordic Swan Ecolabel is being framed jointly and is product information in a combined Nordic database, which is available to  Jun 30, 2016 By buying Nordic Swan Ecolabeled products and services consumers can contribute to a more sustainable environment. The label has been  Facts · 9 of 10 Nordic consumers know the Nordic Swan Ecolabel · 3 of 4 Nordic consumers are concerned about what they · It is possible to obtain a certification   The Nordic Ecolabel or Nordic swan is the official sustainability ecolabel for products from the Nordic countries. It was introduced by the Nordic Council of  Contact person / login for Nordic Ecolabelling products database: As manufacturers of products for Nordic Swan Ecolabelled buildings, we hereby apply to be.

You can find criteria for products which can be certtified with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel or the EU Ecolabel here.

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The Nordic Swan Ecolabel review the environmental impact of goods and services build upon a life cycle assessment and place demands on function and quality. The entire life cycle of the product, from raw material to production, use, disposal and recycling, is included in the assessment. The purpose of this report is to compare the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and the Product Environmental Footprint with a focus on environmental information.

Nordic swan ecolabel database

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Nordic swan ecolabel database

The report compares the methods used by the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and the PEF to identify the product-group-specific relevant environmental aspects. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is one of the most prestigious brands in the Nordic countries. For Kiilto, partnership with the label is an important part of environmental leadership, and even a precondition for sales in the case of some products.

If they are Listed, they have been approved to be used in projects certified by Nordic Swan Ecolabel. The products themselves are not certified. The green colour version of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel is the recommended version. Include licence number. Remeber to enter your eight-digit licence number in the mark instead of 1234 5678, using the specified type font and pt.
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Nordic swan ecolabel database

Nordic Swan Ecolabelling’s Building Product Database Nordic Swan Ecolabel tells which products are good for the environment. A building is also possible to become certified with Nordic Swan Ecolabel if it fulfills the criteria for Nordic Swan Ecolabelled buildings.

Such products are listed in the Nordic Ecolabel Building Materials Database. In the case of detached houses, apartment buildings and daycare centres, the requirements cover the construction phase, materials and energy consumption. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a strong tool for ensuring sustainable public procurement.
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Include licence number. Remeber to enter your eight-digit licence number in the mark instead of 1234 5678, using the specified type font and pt. size. Never alter the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.

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Nordic Swan Ecolabel product catalogue It is also easy to get an overview of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel series in our new inspiration book and product catalogue for 2021. At the start of the catalogue, you will find all the product series, where those that are environmentally-certified have the symbol for the Nordic Swan … Tel.:+45 72 30 04 50 · info@ecolabel.dk · www.ecolabel.dk · CVR: 11733212 Ecolabelling Denmark is responsible for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and the EU Ecolabel - the two official ecolabels in Denmark. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel has tough environmental requirements, in all relevant stages of the product’s life cycle. It is the official ecolabel of the Nordic countries based on the latest research and knowledge, a holistic label, that cares about health and environment. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel review the environmental impact of goods and services build upon a life cycle assessment and place demands on function and quality.

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel makes it easy for consumers and professional buyers to choose the environmentally best goods and services. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel was established in 1989 by the Nordic Council of Ministers as a voluntary ecolabelling scheme for the nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. It is an effective tool to help companies that want to go ahead with sustainable solutions – and thereby enable consumers and professional buyers to choose the environmentally best goods and services. Nordic Swan Ecolabelling’s Building Product Database Nordic Swan Ecolabel tells which products are good for the environment. A building is also possible to become certified with Nordic Swan Ecolabel if it fulfills the criteria for Nordic Swan Ecolabelled buildings. Welcome to Nordic Ecolabel’s Building Materials Database. By following the steps below, your product(s) will be visible to all Nordic Ecolabel licence holders and companies which currently are in the process of constructing a Nordic Swan Ecolabelled building.