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It's a soda, but its also Kombucha! Lets see how it taste! Comment and Subscribe if you like what I do! Cola. Our Culture Cola brings you a new take on the classic, with that crisp + refreshing cola taste and a whole lotta feel good to go with it. Our version is more than just another soft drink: it's a probiotic powerhouse.
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Our version is more than just another soft drink: it's a probiotic powerhouse.Now that's refreshing! Live Kombucha Cola, Culture, 8 Pack. 12 each. Shop similar items at Instacart. Item is not available at this retailer in 94105. Update. Related Products.
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It is alive. Yes, thanks to the beneficial bacteria and yeast (which have a cute nickname from their acronym, SCOBY, symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast) kombucha is a living food. That's why it is important to ensure that your kombucha is raw, just like LIVE is, and not pasteurized.
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Kalorier: 40 •Kolhydrater: 9 g •Fett: 0 g •Protein: 0 g. 40. Cola Kombucha. Live Kombucha, 12 fl oz. Kalorier: 35 •Kolhydrater: 8 g •Fett: 0 g Live (Raw & Organic). Live (Raw & Organic) - Kombucha (Culture Cola). Portionsstorlek: 8 fl.
oz. (240 mL). 20kcal. 100%5gKolhydrater. 0%--Fett. 0%--Protein.
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Shop Live Soda Culture Cola Kombucha Raw Organic - 12 Fl. Oz. from Safeway. Browse our wide selection of Kombucha for Delivery or Drive Up & Go to pick Live Kombucha Soda, Raw & Organic, Culture Cola. 12 fl. oz.
Several flavors are now on offer like Cola, Root Beer and
Drink Spotlight: LIVE Sparkling Ginger Kombucha · Leave a reply This man, our founder Trevor Ross, was determined to get his soda-addict father to quit cola .
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Kalorier: 35 •Kolhydrater: 8 g •Fett: 0 g Live (Raw & Organic). Live (Raw & Organic) - Kombucha (Culture Cola). Portionsstorlek: 8 fl. oz.
Kombucha Pomegranate Lemonade för 38:95:- från
Pickup is always free with a minimum $30 purchase. Aisles Online has thousands of low-price items to choose from, so you can shop your list without ever leaving the house. The Coca-Cola Company Adds its First Line of Kombucha. Wednesday, September 19, 2018 – The Coca-Cola Company has acquired kombucha maker Organic & Raw Trading Co., which makes the MOJO brand of naturally fermented, live culture, organic kombucha drinks. MOJO kombucha – which is sold throughout Australia – is made from naturally fermented tea.
Item is not available at this retailer in 94105. Update. Related Products. Live Raw Organic Living Limon Kombucha Soda. 12 fl oz.