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Try our practice questions now! The AKT is hel d at Pearson Vue (Driving Test) centres. It is a 3 hour 10 minute computerised machine marked test consisting of 200 questions.

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Revise for your MRCGP AKT exam with BMJ OnExamination's revision resource.

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MRCGP AKT Revision – Tips for effective preparation Dr Razwan Ali The MRCGP AKT exam is a challenging test of applied knowledge in a GP setting, covering clinical medicine, statistics and evidence based practice, and organisational aspects of general practice. Dr Razwan Ali passed the AKT on his first attempt with an overall score of… Download OnExamination Exam Revision apk 1.9.82 and all version history for Android. Test your medical knowledge w This blog contains free PDF download of PassMedicine & OnExamination Notes for … BMJ OnExamination's MRCGP resource gives you access to over 2,450 question items mapped to the Royal College curriculum. Our MRCGP resource is written by practising GPs who are experts in their specialty and have extensive knowledge of the MRCGP (AKT) exam structure, difficulty, and curriculum.

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Try our practice questions now! Very expensive website for what you get. Passmedicine is cheaper and better. Explanations to questions and anwers are short and not much thought has gone into them!

All rights reserved. 京ICP备15042040号-3 BMJ OnExamination online medical exam revision specialists. Medical exam question resources written by expert clinicians. Try our practice questions now! BMJ OnExamination online medical exam revision specialists.