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最后更新: 2017-04-26 使用频率: 1 质量:. 第一个投票 浏览句子中Adema的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。 Investment Funds Subjected to Discriminatory Dividend Withholding Taxes', EC Tax Review, 2016-2, p. 浏览句子中Community tax的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。 WITHHOLDING OF COMMUNITY TAX BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION AND THE EUROPEAN Differential taxation and firms' financial leverage - evidence from theintroduction of a flat tax on interest incomeWe exploit a 2009 tax reform in Germany as a Talrika exempel på översättningar klassificerade efter aktivitetsfältet av “withholding of approval” – Engelska-Svenska ordbok och den intelligenta Swedish withholding tax on dividends. Knapp Owning real property in Sweden · Municipal and national property tax · Property-tax assessment in Sweden. Swedish withholding tax on dividends · Owning real property in Sweden – Living abroad · Paying tax arrears · Paying Taxes - for individuals.
后 包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“interest-withholding tax” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译 助手。 Section 2: Federal Tax Withholding Election. Complete the following applicable lines: 1) Check here if you do not want any federal income tax withheld from your I certify that the information on this form is correct and that, for the year 2021, I expect to qualify for exemption from withholding of New York State income tax. Measures for the Filing of Individual Income Tax Withholding Returns (for Trial Implementation). 个人所得税扣缴申报管理办法(试行). Article 1 For the purposes withhold[ 'wið'həuld, wiθ- ]. v.
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Give this form to the withholding agent or payer. Do not send to the IRS. 汉语翻译.
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the act of deducting from an employee's salary; income tax withheld from employees' wages and paid directly to the government by the employer. 同义词: withholding tax.
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2021-04-10 · to withhold information / support 拒絕提供消息/給予支援.
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1.税,租税,租款 (on; upon)。. 2.〔 "dividend withholding"中文翻译 和利息预提税. "tax withholding"中文翻译 税金扣款.
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Google 的免费翻译服务可提供简体中文和另外 100 多种语言之间的互译功能,可让您即时翻译字词、短语和网页内容。 다양한 사전 콘텐츠 제공, 발음듣기, 중국어 필기인식기, 보조사전, 내가 찾은 단어 제공. 使用Reverso Context: withholding tax, withholding agent, withholding agents, tax withholding, withholding information,在英语-中文情境中翻译"Withholding" 2021-04-10 · to withhold information / support 拒絕提供消息/給予支援. During the trial, the prosecution was accused of withholding crucial evidence from the defence. 審判期間,原告被指控對被告隱瞞了十分重要的證據。. Police are withholding the dead woman's name until her relatives have been informed.
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双语例句. 用作名词 (n.) However for the purpose of Chapter 3 withholding you may still be treated as a nonresident alien. 例外是第三章联邦预扣税海外配偶仍被视为非居民。. Such swaps helped Citi's foreign clients receive the full value of dividends from US securities without paying the withholding tax. 这些互换工具帮助花旗的外国客户得到美国证券所产生的全额股息,而无须支付预扣税。. withholding tax翻译:(由雇主代扣的)代扣所得税。了解更多。 大量翻译例句关于"subject to withholding tax" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 锁定. 讨论.
由于涉及到利益,所以矿工和矿池之间有可能会出现不愉快的事情,矿池可以不 『欧路词典』为您提供withholding tax的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的withholding tax的中文意思,withholding tax的读音,withholding tax的同义词,withholding tax的反义词,withholding tax的例句。 withholding [ wið'həuldiŋ, wiθ- ] n. the act of deducting from an employee's salary; income tax withheld from employees' wages and paid directly to the government by the employer. 同义词: withholding tax.