GATC Biotech AB - Life Science Sweden
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Provider of sequencing services intended to provide DNA and RNA sequencing and bioinformatics services to academic and industrial customers. GATC Biotech to sequence samples from brain tumors in children for the world's largest cancer research project. The aim of the German PedBrainTumor Consortium within the ICGC is to develop innovative diagnostic methods and treatments in order to be able to provide children with therapies which have fewer side effects in future. “GATC aims to continually offer our customers the most innovative, efficient and integrated sequencing technologies and applications for their research projects. To achieve our 100-Human-Genome-Project goal, evaluating Complete Genomics’ human genome sequencing technology is a logical step,” explains Peter Pohl, CEO of GATC Biotech. GATC Biotech plans to install a unique "5-to-9" overnight sequencing service, called NightXpress, which will reduce delivery times to just 16 hours from sample collection. From Monday to Friday, DNA samples will be collected for free from 5 pm at defined GATC Sample Collection Points and by 9 am the next morning, including Saturdays, DNA sequencing results will be ready for download.
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Since several weeks, the collection of the samples was advanced at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and the results are only provided the following afternoon. Constance, Germany – GATC Biotech AG and its subsidiary LifeCodexx AG successfully completed the recruitment of over 500 blood samples required for the clinical study of the non-invasive prenatal diagnostic test for the determination of trisomy 21 (LifeCodexx PrenaTest®). The prospective and blinded study evaluates this new molecular genetic method in comparison with conventional invasive GATC Biotech has sequenced more than 5 million samples, thousands of bacterial, plant or other whole genomes as well as hundreds of whole human genomes. GATC´s subsidiary LifeCodexx emphasises the development of clinically validated molecular diagnostic tests and offers a risk-free alternative to common invasive examination methods such as amniocentesis. GATC Biotech AG, GATC Biotech is the first sequencing service provider in Germany to successfully complete the CSProTM certification proc… GATC Biotech zajišťuje zpracování široké škály výchozích materiálů dodaných ve zkumavkách či destičkách. Výsledky mají vždy velmi vysokou kvalitu.
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VINNOVAs nyligen publicerade rapport (Life Science Companies in Sweden, VA 2011: 03, Anna GATC Biotech AB. GATC Biotech was a limited company and had several subsidiaries in Europe. GATC Biotech AB, Stockholm, Sweden (100%) GATC Biotech Ltd., Cambridge, United Kingdom (100%) GATC Biotech SARL, Marseille, France (100%) GATC Biotech Consulting. Contact Us. Email.
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400 000 Fastighetsavdelningen. ISSN 1652-8220. Printed in Sweden by Media-Tryck, Lund University National Center for Biotechnology Information. NGS In study IV we chose the INVIEW Oncopanel All-in-one from (GATC, Germany), as we were Sweden.
2017-03-01 Rectification; GATC Biotech AG
1 Dec 2009 Biotech and Complete Genomics today announced the execution of a research Complete Genomics and GATC Biotech Collaborate on Human Genome has subsidiary companies in Great Britain, France and Sweden. St. John's Innovation Centre Cowley Road. Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. United Kingdom. Phone: +44 1223 421011 +44 1223 421014. Website:
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GATC BIOTECH Sweden. Biography. Dr. Stangier holds a Ph.D.
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LIFE SCIENCE I STOCKHOLM- UPPSALA - DOKODOC.COM Phone +1 (714) 584-0997. Join Our Newsletter. Sign up to receive timely, useful Gatc Biotech in Solna, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Solna and beyond. The resulting strains Y. pseudotuberculosis YPIII pIB823 ( yopNRARA ), pIB825 ( yopNGAGA ) and Xen4 pIB825 ( yopNGAGA ) were confirmed by PCR and DNA sequence analysis (GATC Biotech AB, Stockholm, Sweden).
Eurofins Genomics Sweden AB - Företagsinformation
GATC´s subsidiary LifeCodexx emphasises the development of clinically validated molecular diagnostic tests and offers a risk-free alternative to common invasive examination methods such as amniocentesis. GATC Biotech AG, GATC Biotech is the first sequencing service provider in Germany to successfully complete the CSProTM certification proc… GATC Biotech zajišťuje zpracování široké škály výchozích materiálů dodaných ve zkumavkách či destičkách. Výsledky mají vždy velmi vysokou kvalitu.
Traditional medical care is reactive and non-specific, based on generalities and estimated outcomes. General information GATC Biotech, is located in Constance, Germany and in Cambridge, UK. GATC is a privately owned company that was established in 1990. GATC Biotech is ISO 9001:2000 certified. DNA sequencing services provider GATC Biotech has announced the opening of a new subsidiary in Stockholm, Sweden, as it widens the net in Europe. Sanger sequencing services from GATC can process a variety of starting materials submitted in tubes or plates. Exceptionally high-quality sequencing results are available online within hours.