Quantitative γ-H2AX immunofluorescence method for DNA
H2AX phosphorylation in A549 cells induced by the bulky and
γ-H2AX foci induction and disappearance were monitored following split dose irradiation experiments in which time interval between exposure and dose were varied. An early response to DSBs is phosphorylation of a variant form of the histone H2A designated H2AX. Phosphorylated H2AX (called γ-H2AX) can be visualized as foci by immunofluorescence using phospho-specific antibodies (18, 19). H2AX foci colocalize with foci of other proteins, including NBS1, 53BP1, MDC1, and BRCA1 (3, 6, 18, 20). The phosphorylation of histone H2AX in Serine 139 (gamma‐H2AX) marks regions of DNA double strand breaks and contributes to the recruitment of DNA repair factors to the site of DNA damage. Gamma‐H2AX is used widely as DNA damage marker in vitro, but its use for genotoxicity assessment in vivo has not been extensively investigated.
DNA strand breaks trigger marked phosphorylation of histone H2AX (i.e. gamma-H2AX). While DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) provide a strong stimulus for this event, the accompanying structural alterations in chromatin may represent the actual signal that elicits gamma-H2AX. Se hela listan på hindawi.com 2009-09-01 · An increase in H2AX phosphorylation, as visualised by γH2AX foci, was found in response to increasing concentrations of etoposide, bleomycin or methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). The concentration-dependent increase in the mean of the median number of γH2AX foci per nucleus was seen at all concentrations tested . Successive phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of histone H2AX have been linked to DNA breaks and repair.
Cell cycle analyses reveal unexpected dynamics for γ-H2AX in unirradiated mammalian cells H2AX, a member of the histone H2A family, is rapidly phosphorylated in response to ionizing radiation. This phosphorylation, at an evolutionary conserved The minimal H2AX phosphorylation in Atm−/− fibroblasts can be abolished by resulting in discrete γ-H2AX (phosphorylated-H2AX) foci at the DNA damage Download scientific diagram | Immunofluorescence analysis of H2AX phosphorylation.
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Conditions H2Ax phosphorylation assay (DNA double-strand breaks). Trouiller et with BSA: γ-H2AX generation.
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Here we describe a rapid and simple flow-cytometry-based method, optimized to measure gamma-H2AX in non-fixed peripheral blood cells. The phosphorylation of H2AX can be detected by Western blotting or immunofluorescence, revealing the frequency of DSBs. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases have been implicated in H2AX phosphorylation, but it is unclear if ATM is the primary H2AX kinase or if other members of the family such as DNA-PK and ATR contribute in a similar manner.
Vi observerade en tydlig ökning av strålbehandlings-inducerad γ-h2ax foci i S. P. Lees-Miller, trans Autophosphorylation at DNAdependent protein kinase s
ground state, accompanied by gamma radiation of 1460 keV energy in probability of DNA DSBs as histone H2AX phosphorylation, and micronuclei formation. Our results show that the DNA damage response pathway, including γ-H2AX and that brimonidine triggered a robust and transient phosphorylation of ERK1/2.
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Histone H2A.X (H2AX) is a member of the histone H2A family which is one of the four core histones making up the nucleosome core particle.
The phosphorylation site is a serine four residues from the C-terminus which has been evolutionarily conserved in organisms from giardia intestinalis to humans. Phosphorylated histone H2AX (gamma-H2AX) forms foci over large chromatin domains surrounding double-stranded DNA breaks (DSB). These foci recruit DSB repair proteins and dissolve during or after repair is completed. How gamma-H2AX is removed from chromatin remains unknown.
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H2AX phosphorylation in A549 cells induced by the bulky and
Here we studied the phosphorylation Bethyl Laboratories Anti-Phospho-gamma-H2AX (Ser139) Polyclonal, Catalog # IHC-00059. Tested in Immunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunohistochemistry These small foci do not recruit proteins involved in DNA DSB repair. Cell cycle analyses reveal unexpected dynamics for γ-H2AX in unirradiated mammalian cells H2AX, a member of the histone H2A family, is rapidly phosphorylated in response to ionizing radiation. This phosphorylation, at an evolutionary conserved The minimal H2AX phosphorylation in Atm−/− fibroblasts can be abolished by resulting in discrete γ-H2AX (phosphorylated-H2AX) foci at the DNA damage Download scientific diagram | Immunofluorescence analysis of H2AX phosphorylation. Gamma-H2AX are then quantified either by manual counting in Abstract. Within minutes of the induction of DNA double-strand breaks in somatic cells, histone H2AX becomes phosphorylated at serine 139 and forms γ-H2AX Pilch DR, Sedelnikova OA, Redon C, et al Characteristics of gamma-H2AX foci at DNA double-strand breaks sites. Biochem Cell Biol 2003;81:123-9.
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Histone H2AX rapidly undergoes phosphorylation at Ser139 (gamma-H2AX) in response to DNA double-strand breaks.
These cells express a gene that causes a DNA damage response, leading to H2AX phosphorylation. The cells were paraformaldehyde fixed and blocked with BSA prior to incubation with the antibody for 45 minutes.