Arkivrapport nr 318l.indd - Kulturen
Musse Pigg från järnåldern hittad Aftonbladet
in size, usually stamped with a motif, and are the oldest examples of toreutics in Northern Europe. The figure is unique not only in its exquisite craftsmanship, but also in its iconography. It is argued that the mount was made in the 10th century AD and that it depicts Wayland the Smith. During excavations at Uppåkra, one of Scandinavia’s largest and richest Iron Age central places, yet another unique find was made in September 2011 (fig.
149 This horned figure was found at Uppåkra, not far from the eyebrow ridge mentioned in Chapter 5.4.1 and discussed further below. The figurine in question has been dated to the ninth century and represents a standing man with horned terminals rising from his head. Fig. 1: The Uppåkra figure on this gold foil is seen wearing an enlarged brooch under the chin, and the figure also holds a drinking horn in the right hand (Source: Watt 2004, 187, figure 19a). Fig. 2: This figure has the characteristically rolling-pin-like nose and carries a lance/scepter. From a single die six copies of this figure figures ceased at some point in the 8th centu-ry A.D. (Watt 2004:214–216; Helmbrecht 2011:260–261). Judging from their clothing and hairstyle (Mannering 2006), most figure foils from Uppåkra represent men. These are caftan-clad standing or pacing figures, sometimes with a staff.
Från resultaten kan vi lära oss mycket om landskapet och livet på platsen för så länge sedan som mer än 6 000 år tillbaka i tiden. @inbook{378bc336-086b-42c9-a982-aeb7efba1a2f, author = {Hårdh, Birgitta}, booktitle = {Old Norse religion in long-term perspectives.
Old Norse religion in long-term perspectives. Origins, changes and interactions. editor / Anders Andrén ; Kristina Jennbert ; Catharina Raudvere.
Folk, fä och fynd - Uppåkra - Lunds universitet
This, of course, does not rule out that some figures could have been handed down as “keepsakes” within a family. But it should be remembered that the Bronze Figure Western Norway Freya amulet Revninge, Denmark Valkyrie Suffolk, England Thumb-sized 3-D Valkyrie Figurine Hårby, Denmark Völund the Smith wearing his feather guise Uppåkra, Skåne, Sweden 7 th to 10 th century Dagenheim Idol England, 2459 - 2110 BC Odin Loshult, Skåne, Sweden Odin In 2000, the remains of what was likely an Iron Age temple were excavated in Uppåkra, Sweden. This ritual building had been rebuilt several times over the span of more than six hundred years, each time as a high-timbered building with a stave-wall structure.
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The .gov means it’s official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the
An in-depth profile of Abelisaurus, including this dinosaur's characteristics, behavior and habitat. Name: Abelisaurus (Greek for "Abel's lizard"); pronounced AY-bell-ih-SORE-us Habitat: Woodlands of South America Historical Period: Late Cr
The .gov means it’s official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil.
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172 MichaelaHelmbrecht Fornvännen107(2012) Fig.1.MountfromUppåkra.PhotosB.Almgren,LUHM. Front Back 3/4profile ART. Helmbrecht 171-178:Layout 1 12-09-17 13.40 Sida 172 The object is reminiscent of the Frankish-Carolingian style, prevalent in the region of region of present-day France, England and Ireland, which was common around 800 AD. Thus this animal figure could be on of the first Christian artefacts to have reached Uppåkra. (Mannering 2006), most figure foils from Uppåkra represent men. These are caftan-clad standing or pacing figures, sometimes with a staff. Figure foils showing women are rarer.
redovisas i nedanstående figur, under lång tid varit väsentlig. Det finns guldgubbar från Uppåkra och Bornholm som är stämpelidentiska, och övergripande gällande materialet så uppvisar figurerna från Uppåkra många
21 juni 2007 — Mickey Mouse i Uppåkra är sökord som numera ger över 420 nätträffar. ”Musse Pigg har alltid varit vår tidlösa figur och har roat många
figurer uppfattats ha haft rituell betydelse. Uppåkra synes ha utvecklats orga- husgaveln av samma dimensioner som de inre figur 1.
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Uppåkra - Samla - Riksantikvarieämbetet
AB - During excavations at Uppakra in Scania, Sweden, an exceptional copper alloy mount in the shape of a winged human was found. UPPÅKRA, Stora Uppåkra, Skåne Län, Sweden.
Bostadsförsörjningsprogram Staffanstorp 2017-2021
172 MichaelaHelmbrecht Fornvännen107(2012) Fig.1.MountfromUppåkra.PhotosB.Almgren,LUHM. Front Back 3/4profile ART. Helmbrecht 171-178:Layout 1 12-09-17 13.40 Sida 172 As mentioned, the Uppåkra figure's body is intertwined with the flying rig and cannot be separated from it. The dotted structures, which at first sight seem to be the figure's body, have a central opening with two ribbons through them, crossing each other at a right angle. Vilken figur liknar Uppåkras logo! Musse Pigg. Kalle Anka. Lejon Kungen.
Artikelnummer. 978-91-85311-58-3.