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Keywords: Venture Capital, Legitimacy Types, New Ventures

Satsningen lanserades i samarbete med Creandum, Northzone, EQT  så kallad Series C funding, genom Creandum och Dawn Capital. som Medium, CrunchBase, Polyvore, Zephyr Health och Elementum. 2, Creandum · Voi, KRY, iZettle , [+27]. 3, Northzone · iZettle, Anyfin, Spotify , [+25]. 4, Almi Invest · Axiomatics, Strossle, LEEROY , [+14]. Almi Invest is Sweden's most active investor in young growth companies.

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Creandum has … Creandum has 9 current team members, including General Partner Johan Brenner. Johan Brenner General Partner. Fredrik Cassel General Partner. Staffan Helgesson General Partner. Carl Fritjofsson Partner. Simon Schmincke General Partner.

Bland investerarna finns också bland annat  ungefär som en nordisk motsvarighet till amerikanska Crunchbase. Satsningen lanserades i samarbete med Creandum, Northzone, EQT  så kallad Series C funding, genom Creandum och Dawn Capital. som Medium, CrunchBase, Polyvore, Zephyr Health och Elementum.

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Today, Neo announcing $20 million in Series C financing in a round led by Creandum, with participation from new investor Dawn Capital and existing investors Fidelity Growth Partners Europe, Sunstone Capital, and Conor Venture Partners. name: investor type: investment stage: location: country: founding year: exits / n. investments: email: phone: link crunchbase: fintech portfolio 2017-10-04 2016-11-07 2009-10-16 By Creandum’s Daniel Blomquist.

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Their most recent investment was on Apr 8, 2021, when Abacum raised $7M. Creandum has … Creandum has 9 current team members, including General Partner Johan Brenner. Johan Brenner General Partner.

2017-06-29 · Crunchbase is Hiring! Our team is honored to work with innovators from all corners of the globe, & we’re building a team that reflects the diversity of our users. Det danska e-sportbolaget RFRSH tar in 70 miljoner kronor i nytt kapital.
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Nordic Tech List går i graven – inte lönsamt nog för Bonnier

Creandum is a leading European venture capital firm, focusing on innovative and fast-growing technology companies within the consumer, software, and hardware industries. Subscribe to the Crunchbase Daily. It boasts more than 14 million members coached since launching the app in 2017, co-founder Fatih Celebi told Crunchbase News.

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The new investment gives the company a … 2020-11-19 2019-07-16 About Creandum: Creandum is a European venture capital, founded in 2003. The firm has been backing tech companies such as Spotify, iZettle, and Depop, making 156 investments and raising a total of $838.6 M across 5 funds..

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