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2016-08-29 15 votes, 16 comments. hi guys i want to lvl up a healer for first time and im looking for the fun playstyle and challenging healer and thank you. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Log In Sign Up. User account menu. 15.
You’re actually doing more damage or watching netflix than healing. Healing in bgs at least has somewhat regulated damage because of scaling and access to honor talents like ult radiance for disc or overgrowth for rdruids that make bg healing a better learning experience imo. I main a Resto Shaman since forever and also have a Pala and Druid. Ive had all other classes maxed in Legion so have a rough understanding of them too.
21 When 40 And they began making leitzonus (mockery, fun) of him. 9 feb. 2021 — eso-shadowy-disguise.kaibo55.com/, eso-seventh-legion-nerf.shushuprint.com/, eso-most-fun-solo-class.webuyallhousesphoenix.net/, 9 juli 2018 — So, I would like to have feedback from the players to balance the levels in order to make the game fun and challenging.
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I talk about all healer gameplay and DPS rotations in order to rank classes based on "fun", this is highly subjective and I would really like to know what class you enjoy the most in mythic plus content? Most fun one was DH, back in Legion. Great mobility, fun abilities and didn’t die from a gust of wind.
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It's cool. This is also currently a meta healer in M+ dungeons, but that's something that's always subject to change.
I want to try out something else. I am not sure if i will do druid or hpriest. Whats ur most fun healer to play?
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Now I have decided to try it out a little You really nailed this, thank you! Pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of each while also pointing out what's fun and interesting. Only one thing I would add as a holy, and that is the fade skill.
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6 Dec 2019 News · WoD Guides 6.0 · LEGION Guides 7.0 · Battle for Azeroth Guides 8.0 · Shadowlands Guides 9.0 · Patch 9.0.5 · Raid - Boss Tactics 7 Aug 2018 Your main will be the character you spend the most time with, and while things with hammers while healing their allies sounds good to you, pick a Paladin. Read a description and pick what sounds cool, interesting or 21 May 2020 Home of the most unique healer in the game and the most underrated The game's history is full of entertaining Easter eggs, almighty cockroaches, Legion is the sixth expansion released by 'Blizzard' for 22 Apr 2019 Where would you go, in 2019, for the best healing experience in an MMORPG?
I've been dps for years, so was looking for a healer that I can use my 100 boost on. Paladin is strictly a spot healer and tank healer. Very strong and probably the most wanted healer for high-end raiding guilds, but because of personal preference, I rank it lower for fun factor. The huge crit playstyle is fun, and one of the ways you heal is by sacrificing your own health. It's cool. This is also currently a meta healer in M+ dungeons, but that's something that's always subject to change.