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Brian McGuire 4. Erik Gabrielson 5. Per Åkerman. För ytterligare information vänligen kontakta: Gustave Geisendorf, CEO at Zutec,, +353 1 201 3565.

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Mikael Naesstroem, -, 2019, Director. Stefan Charette, -, 2020, Chairman   Feb 25, 2020 Commissioned Research – marketing material sponsored by Zutec. 1. Zutec. Strong growth but Brian McGuire. 18.8%. Athanase Industrial  Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting in Zutec Holding AB (publ) omvaldes och till nya styrelseledamöter valdes Stefan Charette och Brian McGuire.

Join to Connect zutec. Report this profile Experience Owner zutec Chairman Zutec Jun 2015 - Present 5 years 10 months.

Zutec Holding AB Info & Löner Bolagsfakta

Director. Mikael Zutec Holding AB is a Sweden-based provider of cloud-based software solutions within such industries as construction, engineering and facilities management. Brian McGuire: 65: 2020: Director WILD GEESE: Sinead Branagh, ZuTec, Abu Dhabi: Antrim-born Branagh, who grew up in Co Wicklow, met environmental engineer Brian McGuire, owner of engineering company ZuTec.

Brian mcguire zutec

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Brian mcguire zutec

Zutec är ett niche molnbaserat mjukvarubolag inriktat på byggbranschen med kontor i Dublin, London och Melbourne. Zutec Inc. is a Massachusetts Domestic Profit Corporation filed On May 28, 2003. The company's filing status is listed as Involuntary Dissolution By Court Order Or By The S and its File Number is 000842634. Kallelse till Årsstämma i Zutec holding AB (publ) tis, sep 18, 2018 13:04 CET. Aktieägarna i Zutec Holding AB (publ), 559136-0317 (”Bolaget”) kallas härmed till årsstämma onsdagen den 17 oktober 2018 kl.

Brian has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Brian’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Brian McGuire is Board Member at Zutec Holding AB. See Brian McGuire's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. Dublin-headquartered construction software firm Zutec is poised to move into the next stage of growth, and is seeking between €15m and €20m to make this transition. Brian McGuire founded Zutec Inc. Ltd. Currently, Mr. McGuire is Chairman at this company. He is also on the board of Zutec Holding AB and Zutec Gulf LLC. In his past career Mr. McGuire held the Zutec Holdings AB (the Company) announces the resignation of Mr. Brian McGuire as Chairman and a director of the Company following his recent retirement.
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Irish painter Brian Maguire studied at Dun Laoghaire School of Art and the National College of Art and Design.

Erik Henry Gabrielson. Styrelseledamot. 58 år, Ystad.
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Brian McGuire is Board Member at Zutec Holding AB. See Brian McGuire's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. Zutec Announces Board Resignation tor, jul 25, 2019 17:37 CET. Zutec Holdings AB (the Company) announces the resignation of Mr. Brian McGuire as Chairman and a director of the Company following his recent retirement. Mr. McGuire was one of the founding members of the company in 1999 and held the position of managing director for 17 years. Zutec Holdings AB (the Company) announces the resignation of Mr. Brian McGuire as Chairman and a director of the Company following his recent retirement. Mr. McGuire was one of the founding members of the company in 1999 and held the position of managing director for 17 years. Dublin-headquartered construction software firm Zutec is poised to move into the next stage of growth, and is seeking between €15m and €20m to make this transition. Brian McGuire var samtidigt största ägare med nästan 19 procent av aktierna.

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Genom sin erfarenhet av att driva stora byggprojekt hade Brian fått en unik förståelse för byggsektorn och de utmaningar den står inför. Med dessa erfarenheter vann han förtroende från sina kunder i Zutec Holdings AB (the Company) announces the resignation of Mr. Brian McGuire as Chairman and a director of the Company following his recent retirement.

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