Bio-Works was founded in 2006 and is involved in R&D, manufacturing and supply of innovative, leading edge products used to separate proteins and other biomolecules. Our staff is rich in experience For the past 25 years BioWorks has focused on biological control products and technical support. That is not going to change. We plan on being here as long as you need us – building on our history with an ever-expanding line of effective biopesticides, biological control agents and plant nutrition products – with an even stronger focus on technical support, programs and service. Meet BiOWiSH Technologies We are a passionate force for global sustainability and improving the lives of all people.
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Till aktieöversikt. Utförlig grafisk information om Bio-Works Technologies historiska utveckling som ger en hint om aktiens framtida utveckling. Informationen är fördröjd med 15 minuter och levereras av Millistream. Senaste analyserna.
February 17, 2021. Bio-Works Technologies AB has signed a licensing agreement with Amicogen Inc to establish local production of agarose resins Bio-Works carries out R&D, manufacturing and supply of agarose-based resins used to separate proteins and other biomolecules. In this large and well-established area, our products stand out as innovative and cutting edge with exceptional performance.
Our staff is rich in experience within the Swedish Life science industry and are specialized in resins for separation and purification. Bio-Works Bio-Works Technologies | 2,088 followers on LinkedIn.
The company is staffed by people with long experience in the biotech industry and particularly with protein separation media. Bio-Works Technologies Inc. is a California Foreign Corporation filed On March 4, 2020. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is C4574369. The Registered Agent on file for this company is C T Corporation System and is located at 818 West Seventh St Ste 930, Los Angeles, CA 90017. BIOWKS, Bio-Works Technologies, (SE0007387089) For over 25 years, BioWorks has been helping our customers in the horticulture and specialty agriculture markets successfully grow crops with biological control and plant nutrition products. Today, we focus our efforts on consistently providing personalized plant health programs and services to meet your specific operational and strategic needs. Bolagsordning för Bio-works Technologies AB The articles of association for Bio-Works Technologies (556935-3559) 1.
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Bio-Works Technologies.
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Bio-Works Technologies producerar och säljer högpresterande produkter, så kallade kromatografiska medier eller WorkBeads, för separation och rening av molekyler som används för utveckling och produktion av läkemedel.
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Bio-Works Technologies Bio-Works is engaged in the R&D, manufacture and supply of innovative, leading edge products used to separate proteins or other molecules.
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Med anledning av coronapandemin har styrelsen beslutat att årsstämman 2021 genomförs utan fysisk närvaro av aktieägare, ombud och utomstående och att aktieägare ska ha m Bio-Works investerar 1,4 miljon SEK för att öka produktionskapaciteten tis, mar 23, 2021 12:45 CET · Bio-Works Technologies AB investerar 1,4 miljoner SEK för att kunna möta ökad efterfrågan · Produktionskapaciteten på fabriken i Uppsala fördubblas · Investeringen förväntas att vara klar efter sommaren 2021 Investeringen på 1,4 miljoner SEK kommer att fördubbla Bio-Works Bio-Works Technologies utvecklar produkter som separerar och renar molekyler vid framställning av nya läkemedel. Teknologin baseras på kromatografi som har som avsikt att förbättra läkemedelssubstansen och tillföra kroppen renare läkemedel. Bio-Works Technologies AB (556935-3559). Se omsättning, bokslut, styrelse, m.m, Ladda ner gratis årsredovisningar.
Barron's also provides information on historical stock ratings, target Bio-Works Technologies AB is a Sweden-based life science company which is engaged in designing, developing, manufacturing and supplying products for Gel Filtration Chromatography.
An important milestone was reported in April 2018, when Bio -Works announced that a client that is usi ng Bio -Work’s WorkBeads separation media had received FDA approval Bio -Works Technologies AB develops, manufactures and supplies high performing media, serving early- stage lab -scale to full -scale commercial producers, for the separation and purification of biomolecules used in the development and production of pharmaceuti cals and diagnostics. 40. 60. 80.