Theobroma grandiflorum - Theobroma grandiflorum -


Theobroma grandiflorum - Theobroma grandiflorum -

Sterculiaceae). Bee colonies breeding  Unlike cacao, the pulp of the large-fruited cupuassu is used rather than the seeds . Opt for Each flower requires pollination to successfully produce a nearly  CLOVE (When Available); COCOA TREE; COFFEE; CUPUASSU (When Available); CUSTARD APPLE. Sarteneja.

Cupuassu pollination

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allowing for frequent cross-pollination. As in sorghum, the be partially due to cupuassu's pollinators (small bees and flies) and modern seed dispersal agents. pollinated by insects (e.g., Polistes infuscatus, P. carnifex, Synoeca suri- nama, S. virginea Bacuri and cupuassu. In: Fruits of trop- ical and subtropical origin:  of the sweet seed-surrounding pulp, but only T. grandiflorum (cupuassu), crosses are reproduced in seed gardens, mostly through manual pollination. It. 15 Out 2010 Abstract: Bees are considered the main pollinators in natural and agricultural Pollination ecology and pollinator management in cupuassu.

Date of Publication. 2005-09-01.

Theobroma grandiflorum - Theobroma grandiflorum -

The fruit occurs in the form of a drupe and is strong and pleasant smelling. It is smooth on the outside, ellipsoidal, 25 cm long by 12 cm wide and weighs up to 1.5 kg. The endocarp is white, soft and sour-tasting, containing 25 to 50 superposed seeds in five rows.

Cupuassu pollination

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Cupuassu pollination

Hand pollination, therefore, can be used both for breeding and for yield enhancement of trees that would otherwise have pollination problems. Keywords : Theobroma grandiflorum; cupuassu; hand pollination. 1998-05-29 Cantharophily (beetle pollination) and Mellithophily (bee pollination) are accepted as possible pollination syndromes in cupuassu (Venturieri et al. 1997, Venturieri 1994). Regarding the two potential pollinators so far identified, the chrysomelid weevils may shelter in cupuassu flowers overnight, feed on pollen in the petal pouches, and then move on the following day when the flower wilts pollination syndromes in cupuassu (V enturieri et al.

Sterculiaceae Cupuassu Theobroma grandiflorum Tree tomato Cyphomandra betacea Mamey sapote Calocarpum sapota Rosaceae Loquat Eriobotrya japonica Pollination Variant (PV) Brastagi market. Tropical Horticulture: Lecture 34 19 Guava (Psidium guajava) Feijoa, Pineapple guava (Feijoa sellowiana) This paper aimed to study the evolution and individual segregation of the witch's broom disease and estimate the genetic parameters in trials with 21 full sib families of Cupuaçú [Theobroma grandiflorum] established in Belém, Pará. The progenies were obtained through control pollination involving resistant and susceptible parents in all three combinations. Pollination by the wind is observed in different grasses, maples trees, dandelions and catkins. Self Pollination. In this process, the pollen grains transfer from the stigma of the same or genetically similar flower.
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Cupuassu pollination


Date of Publication. 2005-09-01. Original Publication.
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Theobroma grandiflorum -

Pollination is carried out mainly by ants and aphids, with vespertine anthesis. The fruit occurs in the form of a drupe and is strong and pleasant smelling. It is smooth on the outside, ellipsoidal, 25 cm long by 12 cm wide and weighs up to 1.5 kg.

Theobroma grandiflorum - Theobroma grandiflorum -

Fruit Common names: cupuassu (English); cupuacu. The Brazilian Pollinators Initiative (BPI) was officially established during the Amazon Region (States of Amazonas (cupuassu) and Pará (assaí palm));. chayote, longan and cupuassu (heard, 1999), and coffee (Klein et al., 2003a, 2003b). for example, in argentina, 22 bee species from six families of bees were   Session III “Conservation and Economic Valuation of Solitary Bee Pollination of Amazonas (cupuassu) and Pará (assaí palm)); Northeast Region (States of  pollination and pollinator dependent wild plants in all ecosystems.

Hand pollination increased the number of harvested fruits. The number of seeds from fruits obtained by natural and hand pollination was similar. Hand pollination, therefore, can be used both for breeding and for yield enhancement of trees that would otherwise have pollination problems. Keywords : Theobroma grandiflorum; cupuassu; hand pollination. 1998-05-29 Cantharophily (beetle pollination) and Mellithophily (bee pollination) are accepted as possible pollination syndromes in cupuassu (Venturieri et al. 1997, Venturieri 1994).